With BorrowBox (by Bolinda Digital) you can gain access to eBooks, eAudiobooks & eMagazines across a range of genres for all ages.
You can loan/reserve up to 6 eBooks, 6 eAudio books & 6 eMagazines at a time.
• A valid library card & password/pin is required.
Hoopla Digital
Hoopla is a free digital media service that allows you to borrow movies, music, audiobooks, eBooks, comics and TV shows to enjoy on your computer, tablet, or phone – and even your TV!
Titles can be streamed immediately, or downloaded to phones or tablets for offline enjoyment later.
It has hundreds of thousands of titles to choose from, with more being added daily.
hoopla is like having an entire public library at your fingertips. Anytime. Anywhere.
You can borrow up to 6 items a month.
• A valid library card & password/pin is required.
Indy Reads
Indyreads provides New South Wales Public Library members with free access to a large collection of eBook & Audiobook titles.
The collection includes Australian independent published content, a selection of quality self-published material, titles in languages other than English as well as reference, modern literary, classic fiction and non-fiction titles.
Locally important digitised material from the local studies collections of participating NSW public libraries is also available. To access and loan titles you will need:
• A valid library card & password/pin is required.
Statewide Information Databases
A suite of databases covering a diverse range of subjects including, Australian news sources, business skills, contemporary issues, environment, geography, literature, science, and history.
To access content within the eLibrary you may need to log in using your library member number and password:
Username: Library member number eg C123456
Password: Date of birth eg DDMMYYYY
For help or more information, contact the library
Story Box Library
View stories by local authors and illustrators, being read aloud by fantastic, predominantly Australian and New Zealand storytellers.